Risk Management    is the proactive and reactive response to threats and uncertainties based on forecasting, trending, and outcome data. ​The overall goals of risk management include improving patient care and safety, and planning for and mitigating uncertainty. Risk Management actively engages in Risk Identification​, Risk Assessment​, Risk Classification​, Risk Mapping​, Risk Monitoring, and Risk Financing activities. 

Consulting    services include current state analysis, programming, and implementation of programs for:

These areas encompass Clinical, Operational, and Enterprise Risk Management
Principlesin the traditional areas of loss
Patient Care Related Risks​​
Medical Staff Related Risks​
Employee Related Risks​
Property Related Risks​
Financial Related Risks​
Public Relations Related Risks​
Safety Related Risks​
Other Related Risks

Focusing on the
Key Elementsof a Successful Risk Management Program:
Strategic Planning for Risk Management Needs

Health Care Administration 
Psychiatric Safety
Risk Management and Clinical Record Auditing
Health Education
Regulatory and Accreditation
Social Media and eCommunication Risks
Curriculum Development