Project Management Services
Hyatt Healthcare offers to research and create documents specific to risk management, culture of safety, and other leadership driven projects in an effort to support the Risk Management with their mission.
Examples of project management services with a work product include:
Project Elements:
Planning Session
A minimum of an hour discussion with leadership to determine the scope, expected deliverables, milestones, communication plan, and timetables for achievement. This project plan will be documented by Hyatt Healthcare and provided to the sponsoring leader for approval prior to commencement.
Execution Period
During the execution period, the work product will be in process. This will include research, any interviews necessary, summary of work statements, milestone planning, communication with the sponsoring leader, and work product development. The leader will be notified when milestones are achieved and drafts will be provided for comment and revision. Should there be concerns related to timetables, those will be shared with the sponsoring leader as soon as possible.
Wrap-Up Period
Once the milestones are completed, the project will be have a debrief session to discuss the work product for final review and revision, next steps, and a summary of hours will be provided. A final invoice will be sent upon the completion of the project. If the project is started and completed within the same month, then only one invoice for the hours worked will be provided. Should the product need revision in the future, then Hyatt Healthcare will coordinate with the sponsoring leader to plan the changes, expectations, and execute the plan.