
Ethics​is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of and the justification for general principles governing right conduct​. The moral intent of ethics​ is to bring to conscious awareness the underlying ideals of behavior.​ It searches for answers through “moral justification”​:

                     Question​-> Moral Value Judgment​-> Rule-> Principle​ -> Theory-> Moral Justification​

Bioethics is the branch of ethics that specializes in the study of health-science ethical decision-making.​ Bioethics encompasses two aspects:​ Clinical Ethics​ and Biomedical Ethics. These areas predicated on the bioethical principles of Autonomy​, Non-maleficence​, Beneficence​, and Justice​. 

Consultingservices include current state analysis, programming, and implementation of programs for:

  • Organizational Ethics
  • Medical Ethics Consultation and Committee Development
  • Healthcare Culture and Professionalism
  • Team Communication and Interpersonal Engagement 
  • Care for the Caregiver/Second Victim Programming 
  • High-Risk Populations, (i.e. Minors, Seniors, Incapacitated Patients, LGBT, Mental Health and Substance Abuse, etc.)
  • Psychiatric Safety
  • Social Media and eCommunication
  • Educational Curriculum Development

Clinical and Organization

Ethics Consultation